How I Help


People are more unique than snowflakes. I recognize that anyone who comes to see me is an unique individual, and my goal is always to work with you in the way that works best for you. I don’t think how I help you the most is by trying a cookbook approach designed for Jane and John Q. Public who have 2.3 children. I have professional training and many years of experience, but you are the expert on you. Trust is crucial in our work. I know that I have to earn your trust, so for one thing, I won’t pretend to have quick easy answers. Together we can find real answers. I make sure we have a safe environment for our work, and I will treat you with care and respect.

My focus is on helping you understand your anxiety problem, and helping you learn what you need to make a difference. Understanding the anxiety better helps you see that it is not something foreign that has control over you. It is not a simple problem, but it is also not an impossible problem. Understanding what is happening in your body with anxiety, you can start to see the symptoms for what they are, and start to use them to your advantage as signals. You can learn to work with your body. With practice you may find that relaxation is not something only for other people. Similarly I can help you work with your thinking. Your thoughts can increase anxiety, but they can also be one of the keys to your progress.

Tackling avoidance in its many forms is not easy. I can be your ally in confronting avoidance and getting your life back. How do your relationships affect your anxiety, and how does anxiety affect your relationships? Those are also areas where we can work together productively. We can make more progress by working on several aspects of the problem like this, and approaching anxiety as the complex problem that it is.

Medications are often not needed, but they are an option if it does seem necessary. This is another area where it is important that we work together. I don’t think you should take any medicine unless you think it is the right treatment for you. I firmly believe the drug companies have plenty of business already, and I will never push you to take medication. If I do prescribe medicine for you, I will listen to you and together we can find the medicine and dose that are best for you. Collaboration, working together, is how we make the most progress toward our common goals: your being able to function up to your potential and enjoy life. I look forward to working with you.

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